ডঃ মাখলুকার রহমান খান (Dr Makhlukar R Khan)
প্রথম পাতা » জীবনী » ডঃ মাখলুকার রহমান খান (Dr Makhlukar R Khan)
Dr Makhlukar R Khan (Group Captain-retired, BPP, psc), served longtime in Bangladesh Air Force on education and research. He obtained Masters in Science from Rajshahi University, Masters in Defense Studies from National University and PhD degree from Jahangirnagar University. In addition, he had been graduated from Bangladesh Institute of Peace Support Operations, Defense Services Command & Staff College, Air Force Command College in China, Command & Staff Training Institute and Air Force Academy in Bangladesh. He received several trainings on leadership, management, and education. He visited & participated in global workshop/seminar/ academic programs in Korean National Defense University (KNDU) in South Korea, Japan International Cooperative Associations (JICA) in Japan, Center for Research & Development in Sri Lanka, German Parliament, Research institutes in Nepal, Military Institutes in China, India, Iran and Air Force Academy in Turkey. He worked twice in the United Nations as Peacekeeper in Democratic Republic of Congo and in Haiti led by the US military. He worked as an Academic Reviewer of Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Principal, Officer Commanding and Director of Bangladesh Air Force. He worked as a Professor and Director Civil society research of Nonviolence International in New York, Director of Live Safety at Fordham University and New York University (NYU) in New York, USA and Health Safety Specialist in the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene of New York City/State. At present, he is living in the USA.
তথ্যসূত্র : ২০২৫ সালে প্রকাশিত ডঃ মাখলুকার রহমান খান রচিত ‘’MILITARY INTERVENTION IN STATE POLITICS’’গ্রন্থ ।